how to setup google search console

How to set up Google Search Console? set up your success for SEO

What is Google Search Console and what does it do?

Google search console is a free tool offered by Google that tells you the health of your website. It tells you:

1. Monitor website and server errors
2. Measure your site’s search traffic and performance, for example, which keywords you are ranking for?
3. Is your site mobile optimized?
4. Allow you to submit sitemaps to help Google crawl your site

Google Search Console Setup

This method is good for WordPress users. Use the Yoast Plugin!

Step 1: Go to Yoast Plugin

Under the Yoast plugin >> General >> Webmaster Tools. Then click “Google Search Console” link, and it will take you to your google account.


Step 2: Get the google HTML tag for your website

Select the HTML tag, and copy the code after “content”. Don’t click verify yet.


Step 3: Paste the google verification code to the Yoast plugin

Paste the code you just copied, and then click “save changes”. Then head over to the Google page that you copy the code from, and click “verify”. You are all set!


Blog creation series

  1. GoDaddy 網域申請
  2. SiteGround hosting 教學
  3. 如何選擇和安裝 WordPress theme
  4. How to write a blog post and a page 如何寫文章和頁面
  5. How to setup Google Analytics on your blog
  6. How to set up Google Search Console? set up your success for SEO (this article)